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Nation’s Most Senior Education Reform Group Relaunches

September 26, 2016

CER will put its tools, talent and resources to the service of expanding Innovation & Opportunity in US education across all sectors & states

September 26, 2016

Michelle Tigani
[email protected]

WASHINGTON, DC — The Center for Education Reform (CER) today announced its complete refocus on the changing landscape of American education, taking on the most difficult issues that no other national organization is currently pursuing.

Working to fulfill the core tenets released June 2016 in The New Opportunity Agenda, the Center has reorganized itself around the interconnected goals of ensuring that, from preschool through higher education, the conditions in the public eye, in law and policy are ripe for creating true innovation throughout the country and enabling the entrepreneurs leading the way in the US to be a model by word and deed to all peoples throughout the globe.


Coming on the heels of an intensive 8-month review of the organization, the larger education ecosystem and the hundreds of new entrants to the market that have emerged since The Center was founded in 1993, the Center’s board, team and advisors crafted a new theory of change to refocus the intent of education reform toward every student — no matter their stage in life, where they live, and how they learn. By leading the creation of a new eco-system that has innovators and entrepreneurs at the center of the work, CER will ensure that thousands more thought leaders and millions more people become engaged in new efforts to advance educational excellence.

“The Center is dedicated to finding, developing and connecting new talent, new markets and new entrepreneurs that can help solve pain points for parents, educators, leaders and doers who are willing to buck conventional wisdom,” said Jeanne Allen, founder and CEO of CER. “That was my mandate upon taking on the task in December, 2015 — re-envisioning the organization I founded and help to lead 23 years ago. I’m pleased to report that the intensive 360 review of the education reform sector and the Center’s own capabilities has resulted in a novel and impactful new organization and mission.”

screen-shot-2016-09-13-at-12-20-32-pmAmong the Center’s new partners in accomplishing shared goals are numerous diverse and impactful organizations, including many of the nation’s leading Accelerators and Ed Tech incubators, Higher Ed organizations, and groups involved in civic activities and the broader pursuit of literacy.

“Innovation is the pathway to opportunity,” said CER Vice Chair Michael Moe, the co-founder of Global Silicon Valley Advisors (GSV). “Our work must no longer just be about reform, but about results, which can come about from thousands of disrupting innovations and efforts across the world, if we are willing to explore them.”

In the coming weeks, the Center will be sharing additional details about its new opportunity and innovation verticals, as well as revamping its once award-winning website. In the meantime, to access the Center’s new Theory of Change, visit:


About the Center for Education Reform’s New Mission

Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that the conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education.

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