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Nation's Two Premier Education Reform Organizations Announce Powerhouse Merger

April 1, 2016



April 1, 2016

Corrie Leech, NACSA 312-376-2327
Michelle Tigani, CER 202-750-0016

WASHINGTON, DC – The Center for Education Reform and the National Association of Charter School Authorizers have announced the merger of their two organizations, effective today.

“For years, our two organizations have worked to grow the quality and quantity of charter schools, though in different ways,” said Greg Richmond, the President of NACSA.

“It only makes sense for us to combine forces and work seamlessly toward our shared goals,” said Jeanne Allen, Founder and President Emeritus of CER.

The new organization will be called the National Association for Education Reform (NEAR).

NEAR will be based in Chicago and Ms. Allen will be its CEO and President.  “I look forward to moving to Chicago. Politically, it feels like home to me,” said Ms. Allen.

“More importantly,” said Allen, “I look forward to building on the foundation established by NACSA. The only way we will achieve quality and growth in the charter school sector is through fewer authorizers – preferably one per state – and more regulation.”

Richmond will become the new organization’s board chair and President Emeritus. “CER has been right about authorizing all along.  Plus, no organization in education reform has a stronger record of collaboration and compromise than CER. I look forward to working together to advance our joint agenda.”

Richmond will be relocating to rural New Mexico and starting an alpaca ranch. “After decades of employment in education reform, I figure I can handle domesticated animals that spit at each other.”

Allen hopes to monetize the alpaca wool for public good by incubating new charter schools that provide hands on opportunities for sheering and ensure students become the entrepreneurs that NEAR envisions will run reform long after she and Richmond have retired permanently.

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