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PDK Education Poll Provides Clearer Results Than Ever Before

August 29, 2016

Statement from CER Founder & CEO on the 48th Annual PDK Poll of the Public’s Attitudes Toward the Public Schools

AUGUST 29, 2016

The following statement was issued today by Jeanne Allen, founder and CEO of the Center for Education Reform, on the latest PDK poll on education:

“This year’s annual PDK International Poll is a welcome change. For years, we’ve criticized PDK & its former partner Gallup for their approach, which has often utilized loaded questions with qualitative language calculated to evoke certain responses. For example, respondents would be asked if they believe more money or reform was the answer to ailing schools or if “privately run” charter schools were a good thing, even though charters are as public as traditional public schools.

While there is room for debate as to whether or not the questions and analysis offered by PDK this year truly reflect public sentiment, the results are far more valid and clear than ever before. We commend Josh Starr for his stewardship and the seriousness with which he is approaching the court of public opinion, and welcome open dialogue about how to respond to the public’s demands for schools that best meet the needs of all students.”

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