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Praise for CHOICE Act Introduced Today by US Senator Tim Scott

January 25, 2017

Opening Doors to Opportunity for More Students and Families

January 25, 2017

WASHINGTON, DC — The following statement was issued today by Jeanne Allen, founder and CEO of the Center for Education Reform, regarding the Creating Hope and Opportunity for Individuals and Communities through Education Act (S. 235) introduced today by US Sentaor Tim Scott (R-SC). The CHOICE Act would provide educational opportunity for more than 6.2 million low-income students, students with disabilities, and students from military families.

“The CHOICE Act is a fantastic proposal to provide greater educational opportunity to families and students most in need. 

“Whether they be the thousands more who want school choice in DC, the military families who are always relegated to the closest — but not necessarily the best — school for their kids’ needs, or the millions of students with special needs for whom the cookie cutter model of education doesn’t work, there is no question that success in enacting the CHOICE Act would transform lives for many. 

“I am thankful our nation’s children have champions like Senator Scott — who introduced this bill today — and the seven other Senators who composed the CHOICE Act. This legislation is a tremendous start to going bold on education innovation and opportunity and redefining Washington’s role in the First 100 Days.”

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