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Sad Day for Teachers' Rights in California

August 22, 2016

Statement from CER Founder & CEO on California Supreme Court Denial to Hear Vergara v. California Case

AUGUST 22, 2016

WASHINGTON, DC — The following statement was issued today by Jeanne Allen, founder and CEO of the Center for Education Reform, on the California Supreme Court’s denial to hear the Vergara v. California case dealing with employment rules such as teacher tenure:

“At a time when innovation and opportunity are so desperately needed in education, it’s astounding to think that hiring and firing decisions are based on artificial parameters such as how many years an educator has been in the classroom. It’s a huge disservice to kids. Our schools need the freedom to staff their institutions appropriately to meet students’ ever-changing needs.

“The California Supreme Court has inserted legal rights that otherwise do not exist. In doing so, they relegate too many children badly in need of a great education to ineffective schools and ignore the science that a great teacher can make a difference in the life of a child.

“Tenure discourages great teachers by protecting those who might not be able to keep their job if they had to prove their success. This decision is bad for aspiring teachers and bad for kids.”

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