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Speaker Ryan Is Right: Educational Opportunity Is the Best Way to Fight Poverty

June 7, 2016

His new agenda emphasizes the same core principles we do: opportunity and upward mobility

WASHINGTON, DC (June 7, 2016) — The following statement was issued today by Jeanne Allen, founder and CEO of the Center for Education Reform, on Speaker Paul Ryan’s new agenda to fight poverty:

“We’re thankful for Speaker Ryan’s leadership in recognizing the tremendous power and importance of improving education opportunities as a way to fight poverty in America. His agenda, A Better Way, is a major policy advance that empowers states, parents and local communities and gives all children the opportunity to succeed and achieve upward mobility.

“The Speaker’s report on poverty reflects the strong footprint that education reform has had for the past two and a half decades. From the advent of standards 30 years ago to the first voucher program in the Speaker’s home state, from the first charter law 25 years ago this month to innovations in teaching and learning in innovative school districts, we’re grateful that the progress we’ve made as a nation is imbedded in a report issued by the U.S. Speaker of the House and is part of the national commitment to educational excellence.

“The Center for Education Reform is proud to be at the forefront of education innovation, working to create the policy environment that allows for unique solutions to take root in all schools.

“We commend the Speaker, the House Leadership and their collective teams for putting education on the agenda as the critical link to eradicate poverty.

About the Center for Education Reform

Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that the conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education. Join us on June 15, from 11:30-1 PM, as we unveil a new manifesto at the Press Club in Washington, DC.


Michelle Tigani
[email protected]

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