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Tennessee Lawmakers Take Positive Step Forward on Charter Schools

March 20, 2014

CER Press Release
Washington, D.C.
March 20, 2014

Kara Kerwin, president of The Center for Education Reform, issued the following statement in response to the Tennessee Senate’s passage of SB 0830/HB702:

“Today, the Tennessee Senate took a step in the right direction for students and their families who stand to benefit from having increased access to quality educational options.

“Currently, Tennessee’s charter school law suffers in large part to a lack of multiple authorizing entities. The legislation passed today will go a long way in ensuring the growth of highly accountable public charter schools.

“Coupled with efforts to repeal language preventing public-private partnerships within the charter sector, state lawmakers are finally on a path towards creating an environment in which charter schools and the students they serve can truly flourish.

“I applaud Sen. Dolores Gresham and Rep. Mark White for their leadership, as well as the Tennessee legislators in both chambers addressing parental demand for more choices as they continue their efforts to adopt best chartering practices.”

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