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Victory for Online Learning in New Jersey

April 11, 2014

Court Decision Upholds Spirit of Charter School Innovation

CER Press Release
Washington, D.C.
April 11, 2014

A unanimous ruling from a New Jersey appellate court upheld the right of the State Commissioner of Education to authorize online charter schools, paving the way for innovation and squashing a union-led effort to discourage the expansion of online education.

“This court decision made it unequivocally clear that online learning-based charter schools have just as much standing in New Jersey as any other solution to improve outcomes for Garden State students,” said Kara Kerwin, president of The Center for Education Reform.

In recent years, it’s become apparent that online and blended education is here to stay, with an estimated four million plus students nationwide taking part in some sort of online-based learning method. As the court points out, there is no indication whatsoever the State Legislature ever intended to impede the Commissioner’s ability to authorize online and blended charter schools.

“The blinding clarity of the court decision that reaffirms authorizing power to the Commissioner is a clear sign of how futile it is to stand in the way of advancements in online-based learning approaches,” said Kerwin.

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