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Teachers Support Choice, Autonomy

Teachers support school choice and want autonomy and the freedom to choose, according to a February 2015 member survey from the Association of American Educators (AAE).

Sixty-eight percent of teachers support blended learning in schools. An even higher 94 percent support course choice, which allows students to enroll in individual courses that may not be offered in their traditional school environment. Course choice currently exists in seven states.

In addition to course choice, 56 percent of survey respondents support Education Savings Accounts (ESAs) for students with special needs. An overwhelming amount of teachers (97 percent) support charter schools as not only as an option for students, but for educators as well.

When it comes to evaluating teacher performance, 80 percent of educators surveyed support student achievement growth as a top component in teacher evaluations. And in terms of working conditions, 64 percent reported a preference to negotiate directly with school administrators in order to secure a salary and benefits package that best suits their lifestyle.

The survey findings reveal that teachers want to be honored as professionals in the workplace, which means being held accountable for student learning while having the freedom and autonomy necessary to enable students to succeed.


Related Links:

America’s Attitudes Towards Education Reform: Public Support For Accountability In Schools:

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