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EdNext Releases 2015 Poll

August 26, 2015

In its latest annual public opinion poll, Education Next reveals high levels of support for education reform policies nationwide. In addition, new data on the acceptability and usage of educational choices paints a clear picture of parental demand for school options.

The poll finds that more than a quarter of parents with school-aged children have previously taken advantage of, or are currently using, an educational option alternative to a traditional public school.

Although slightly down from 2014 results, support for charter schools remains high and is still double that of the opposition. Participants in the survey also responded with higher support for charter schools after the definition of charter schools was provided.

Other popular school choice programs garnered high levels of support as well. Education tax credit scholarships for low-income children commands a clear majority of support at 55 percent. In regard to school choice vouchers, minorities are the strongest supporters, with 65 percent of Hispanics and 58 percent of African Americans in favor of school vouchers, and less than 20 percent of each of these subgroups in opposition to vouchers.

A majority of Americans still support treating teachers like professionals with merit pay, and equally oppose teacher tenure.

Implementation of online and digital learning in classrooms also has high levels of support. For example, 55 percent of African Americans believe that students should spend at least 45 percent of their school day utilizing digital learning and receiving individualized instruction on a computer.

It is clear that education options and programs that allow parents to choose the best fit for their child’s academic needs are in high demand.

Click here for an interactive view of the full data released by Education Next.

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