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Take Action To Support Texas Children – Even If You Don't Live in Texas!

March 21, 2013

Did you know there are more than 100,000 children on waiting lists to get into charter schools in Texas?

Texas public schools are allowed to receive failing grades for up to 6 consecutive years before the bureaucratic intervention process takes serious steps to get that school on the right track. Currently, there are more than 500 Texas schools that are rated academically unacceptable – educating a total enrollment of 315,000 Texas students.

Too many Texas schoolchildren are trapped in failing public schools, and we cannot let this continue. Texas can turn this around with your help.

As a national organization advocating for quality education every day, Hispanic CREO is working along with Texans for Education Reform to help pass Senate Bill 2.

Please send a letter today to your Senator, asking for their support for Senate Bill 2.

Even if you don’t live in Texas, you can still write a letter of support to a senator in Texans through Texans for Education Reform portal.

If passed, Texas will begin to change the future of Texas’ public education by:

1. Eliminating the outdated cap on charter schools. Texas law currently allows for only 215 charters to be authorized across the state, and 209 have been authorized so far.

2. Putting the 100,000 children on those waiting lists into Texas public schools that are NOT failing.

3. Opening up more public education options for Texas families and place pressure on our failing schools to turn things around.

It’s time to stop talking about putting education first, and actually start doing it.

With your help, we can change the future of public education in Texas by tackling one initiative at a time. Help us get Texas children out of failing schools, and send a letter to your Senator asking that they support Senate Bill 2 and meaningful education reform!

Thank you,

Julio Fuentes

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