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Urgent: Action Needed to Ensure Arizona Charter Schools do not Lose Critical Voice at State Level

March 19, 2014

CER Action Alert
Washington, D.C.
March 19, 2014

Legislators are compromising future support of charter schools in Arizona by stalling the re-nomination of Greg Miller, the charter school representative on the State Board, who has been a tireless advocate and voice for charter schools at the state level.

If the State Senate does not confirm Miller by March 21, his term will expire and the charter school representative’s seat on the State Board will be left vacant. Leaving the charter representative position vacant as the Board is set to make critical accountability decisions that will directly impact charter schools and students would have a significant negative impact on the charter community.

At a time when charter school proliferation is becoming more integral to student success in Arizona, a vacancy of this kind would be a serious setback for charter schools and the students they serve.

Tell Senate Education Committee Chair Kimberly Yee to focus on what really will improve education for Arizona students and confirm Greg Miller to the State Board of Education.

Click here to make your voice heard.

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