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Ci Vediamo! A final note from CER president Jeanne Allen

Dear Friends:

Only a few times in my life have I had writer’s block, or been speechless, but lately it’s happening every day! Maybe it’s because my time as president of the Center for Education Reform is now coming to an end, and it is indeed bittersweet.

I’m so proud of all that we’ve accomplished together. As I told those gathered at our big 20th Anniversary bash, it’s a new day, and an exciting one at that! I’ve been honored and fortunate to have spent so much time with thousands of people doing the hard and often invisible work of recreating American education so that new methods, new innovations and new research could take hold in our behaviors, governments and classrooms. 

The progress of the last 20 years is owed to the extraordinary accomplishments of each and every participant. Allow me to say thank you one last time in my capacity as president of CER.

•  Thank you for staying strong and for supporting @edreform
•  Thank you for taking the hits, daring to challenge the status quo and being willing to fight the good fight when we disagree.
•  Thank you for being part of what we do at the Center, helping to make schools better for all kids.

We could not have done it alone, and the millions we have yet to reach are the next conquest.  CER’s energetic, dynamic and knowledgeable new leadership will take us capably into the future and accomplish so much with your continued support.  I leave my post but not my affinity for the organization, and in addition to staying involved as a CER board member I will serve as senior fellow and president emeritus. I will be “on call” and will continue to write and address key issues of the day, even as I pursue my own new, additional paths to a better America and a better future for all children.

I urge you to support the Center either for the first time or at increased levels than you have in the past. If you’re not certain why you might do that, take a look at this compilation of testimonials from those whose own achievements are significant and recognize what our familiar sun stands for.

Ci vediamo presto!

We’ll meet again, soon.


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