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Hoosier Districts Embrace Technology

December 6, 2011

“Study Shows Almost 4 in 5 School Districts Using E-Learning”
by Network Indiana
Indiana Public Media
December 5, 2011

A new study shows more Hoosier educators are taking advantage of e-learning in their classrooms. Indiana Youth Institute President Bill Stanczykiewicz says a poll finds 79 percent of the state‘s school districts use some form of online learning.

He says one-third of districts are using technology to offer their normal core 40 classes, including physical education. In some cases, Stanczykiewicz says, the students help with the migration to new learning technologies.

“It‘s the only time in world history that the digital immigrants are teaching the digital native,” Stanczykiewicz says. “Most of the teachers, and most of the parents of school children, did not grow up in the this culture of technology that most students take for granted.”

Stanczykiewicz says online PE courses offer health and nutirition information and students can track progress online. Indiana also has four “virtual” schools allowing students to take all of their classes online. In the 2010-2011 school year, 4,197 students were enrolled in these cyber schools.

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