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No Public Evals, Says Cuomo

April 26, 2012

“Gov. Andrew Cuomo says he will not approve of making teacher evaluations public”
by Glenn Blain
New York Daily News
April 26, 2012


Gov. Cuomo flatly rejected the “total disclosure” of teacher evaluations Wednesday, putting himself at odds with Mayor Bloomberg.

Cuomo, in his most expansive comments so far on the hot-button topic, said he supports parents being allowed to see evaluations and expects to hammer out an agreement with the Legislature by the end of its session in June.

“The teacher evaluation disclosure question is a question I believe has to be answered this session,” Cuomo told reporters.

Cuomo said he disagreed with those who want to keep teacher evaluations completely private — but he doesn’t see eye-to-eye with those, including Bloomberg, who want them made available for widespread review.

“I think you have to strike an intelligent balance between the teacher’s right to privacy and the parent’s right to know and the public’s right to know,” Cuomo said. “The question is where on that spectrum” do officials set policy.

Cuomo noted other public employees, including cops and firefighters, do not have their evaluations made public.

“I believe the parents have a right to know,” the governor stressed. “I also believe in a teacher’s right to privacy.”

A Bloomberg spokesman declined to respond to Cuomo’s comments.

The mayor has pressed for full disclosure of teacher evaluation data, arguing the public has a right to see the information.

Cuomo’s stance is similar to that of state teachers union President Dick Iannuzzi, who has said he could accept parents having limited access to teacher evaluations but few others.

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver (D-Manhattan) has also signaled his support for limiting access to teach report cards.

“Beyond the parents, I’m not sure that we shouldn’t treat teachers like every other municipal and state employee,” Silver said recently.

The drive to limit the release of teacher evaluation data was sparked by a court decision in February ordering the city to release controversial grades on more than 12,000 city teachers, which infuriated union leaders.

Cuomo said disclosure of teacher grades was the issue most likely to get settled this session.

He was less optimistic about reaching deals on campaign finance reform and a hike in the minimum wage.

Cuomo also said there would be no pay raises for state lawmakers before the November elections.

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