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Voucher Message To PA Lawmakers

December 6, 2011

“Pro-voucher group hits Hbg airwaves”
by Laura Olson
Pittsburgh Post Gazette
December 5, 2011

The boys are back in town, and with limited days left on the 2011 state legislative calendar, the pro-voucher movement met them with a message as they entered the media market.

A radio ad from Students First, one of the most active groups lobbying for a measure to create school vouchers, began airing this morning in Harrisburg.

It urges parents to contact lawmakers about the issue, saying the proposal would “put an effective teacher in every classroom.”

While a school voucher bill (Senate Bill 1) passed the Senate earlier this year, House lawmakers have been less enthused about moving on a proposal. House Majority Policy Chairman Dave Reed has been quoted saying there isn’t enough time in December for the chamber to move on a school reform bill, despite Gov. Tom Corbett’s strong interest in the proposal.

Here’s the full ad text:

“Now is the time for education reform in Pennsylvania. With fewer than half of the students in our state scoring proficient in reading and math, it’s clear we need to reform our schools now. This week, our lawmakers have an opportunity to put an effective teacher in every classroom and to give parents and students the choices they deserve to attend a great school. Tell your representative in Harrisburg that Pennsylvania children have waited long enough. The time for education reform in our state is now. Paid for by Students First Institute.”

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