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CER on Race to the Top

July 25, 2009

Status Quo Strongholds Share Same Stage as Education Reform Leaders
Jeanne Allen on ‘Race to the Top’ Phase 2 Finalists
CER Press Release
July 27, 2010
The fact that status quo strongholds are sharing the same stage as truly groundbreaking education reform leaders such as Florida, New York and the District of Columbia in a competition ostensibly focused on education reform efforts shows that the ‘Race to the Top’ is inherently broken in both its scoring and priorities.

Jeanne Allen: ‘Race to the Top’ Guidelines Diluted
CER Press Release
November 12, 2009
Race to the Top guidelines will provide states with a blueprint for developing their education reform plans – in return for federal funding – but, according to CER president Jeanne Allen, states that don’t embrace real reform may very well end up with federal dollars.

Obama Administration Must Embrace Real Education Reform, Not Rhetoric
Statement from CER President Jeanne Allen
November 4, 2009
As admirable as the Obama administration’s policy on charters may appear to be, the President and his Education Secretary are, too often, giving states credit for talking about charter schools rather than actually changing laws to improve the likelihood that children will have real school choice

Jeanne Allen: Federal Race to the Top Funds for State Teacher Quality Efforts Need Strings Attached
CER Press Release
October 8, 2009
Taxpayer money must be spent on teacher quality initiatives, like alternative certification and performance pay, which put children first. School districts that have anti-reform provisions in their employment policies and teacher contracts should not receive a dime of federal Race to the Top funds. See these guidelines spelled out in Allen’s
“5 Principles for Racing to Teacher Quality”

Jeanne Allen Statement on Race to the Top Competition
CER Press Release
July 24, 2009
True reform of the country’s public education system will occur when all federal dollars are tied to innovation, not merely through individual programs such as today’s introduction of the Department of Education’s Race to the Top competition.

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