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Race to the Top In the News

November 12, 2009

Education Legacy: . . . And Charter Schools Are the Way to Start by Jeanne Allen, Richmond Times-Dispatch, VA, November 17, 2009

Race to the Top Heats Up, by Akilah Johnson, Sun Sentinel, Florida,  November 15, 2009

Obama Gets Inflated Grade on Education Reform, Commentary by Neal McCluskey, Detroit News, November 14, 2009

Racing to Reform: The rules are set, but how the education funds are allotted is key, Washington Post editorial, November 13, 2009

Also reprinted in:St. Augustine Record, FL, November 16, 2009
Press Democrat, Santa Rosa, CA, November 15, 2009

Grant May Play Role in Teacher Pay Issue, By J. Brian Ewing, News & Record, North Carolina, November 13, 2009

Final Rules On Charter Schools In $4 Billion Federal Grants Criticized, by Kris Alingod, All Headline News, November 13, 2009

The Race for $4.35 Billion, by Diane D’Amico, Press of Atlantic City, November 12, 2009

Compromising on Education Reform?, by George Stephanopoulos, ABC News, November 12, 2009

White House Wants States to ‘Race to the Top’, NPR’s The Takeaway, November 12, 2009

States Compete for Federal School Dollars, By Sam Dillon, New York Times, November 11, 2009

The Race for $4.35 Billion, Press of Atlantic City

Obama Uses School Dollars to Prod States to Change, By Libby Quaid, The Associated Press, November 11, 2009

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