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Newswire – April 1, 2020


Yes Today is April Fools’ Day – but there is no fooling around in this Newswire. Just information we know you can use whether you’re a parent, teacher, student, administrator or just a foot soldier in the one answer to COVID that we can control — quality schooling from home.

A NEW RESOURCE PLATFORM is your one-stop shopping for the best and latest efforts in accessing substantive, innovative education options, here and across the globe. We designed this specifically for families, students, educators and anyone who wants to know what 5-star programs can be yours — for free. This will be the most worthwhile 10 minutes you spend today.  And come back often as we continuously update the offerings.

THE LATEST ON THE FEDERAL RESPONSE TO HELP SCHOOLING FROM HOME Details are contained in the comprehensive remarks of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos from Friday’s press briefing where you will learn about the full range of help available from D.C., including making sure students impacted by school closures still have access to the school meals, the delay of a year in federally mandated standardized tests, plans to insure that students with disabilities have full access to distance learning and a rundown of initiatives taken by various states.  This and more available to you at the Department’s COVID information page.

DISABILITIES MUST NOT BE A DISABILITY TO ACCESS DISTANCE LEARNING, now during the COVID crisis or ever. You can read CER’s Jeanne Allen’s take on this in a report broadcast on  National Public Radio.

REASONS TO SMILE. There are no doubt tens of thousands of them in America today, but we share these 2 stories of KIPP Charter Schools in Newark, NJ ensuring its largely low-income and minority students have full access to technology by distributing 3,000 laptops to its students to take home. And then there’s Miami-Dade Schools, which has distributed 57,000 devices to families. Talk about overcoming obstacles. Keep it up folks. America’s kids need you!

TODAY’S REALITY IS ONLINE AND DISTANCE LEARNING. Not coincidentally, Jeanne Allen’s guest on the latest Reality Check podcast is Mark Defusco, CEO and President of Bay State College, a leader in providing students in high school, college and those returning to higher ed access to online and remote education that makes it easier for them to succeed.  We don’t often say this — but think this episode is a must listen in these times.

FROM OUR FAMILY TO YOURS, this from the Book of Numbers: “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”  Stay safe and strong everyone.


Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education. 
We’re always delighted to hear from our readers…suggestions, questions and even the occasional complaint!


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