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Newswire – April 15, 2020

April 15, 2020


SCHOOLS ARE OPEN…It’s just the facilities that are closed. That’s what you’ll learn and see from today’s Ed Innovation Webinar, that despite the challenges and crisis, there are educators, leaders, visionaries and companies who are delivering for the students — our nation’s future.

WHAT DOES THE FUTURE OF SCHOOL LOOK LIKE? You won’t want to miss the opportunity to truly “see” the redesigned schools out there… REGISTER NOW for APRIL 21 at 11 AM EST.

PARENTS YOU CAN DO THIS. This week in Forbes, Jeanne Allen explains that parents have been teaching their children since day one. Perhaps not typical “classroom” lessons, but vital life lessons, and they are their child’s first — and best — teacher.

ABOUT AS REMOTE AS YOU CAN GET.  Florida is the state furthest removed from Alaska, yet thanks to some innovative thinking in both states, the Florida Virtual School will now provide classes and trainingto students and teachers in Alaska.  As Alaska’s Education Commissioner Michael Johnson commented, “School is more than a location — education can happen anywhere”. Officials of teachers’ unions everywhere should be required to write that sentence 100 times on a blackboard!

JOB MATCHING. Our economy has taken an enormous hit and jobs are changing. “There is no natural mechanism today to match the people being laid off to the available job openings,” says the Wall Street Journal but some really smart people at The Christensen Institute suggest these innovative solutions to the problem.

AMAZING GRACE. Despite the challenges, tragedies and woes, the world is still full of amazing grace.  We’ll leave you with Andrea Bocelli’s moving version of it, sung Sunday at the Duomo in Milan.


Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education. 
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