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Newswire: August 17, 2016 — Olympic Athlete's Dreams Made Possible by Education Opportunity — Blended and Online Success Stories — New Charter Cap In North Carolina

August 17, 2016

BACK TO SCHOOL CONTINUES. It’s week two of back-to-school highlights of great accomplishments of innovative opportunities in education, with a focus on blended and digital learning this edition. Have great news? Don’t be shy — submit it to [email protected].



BLENDED & ONLINE SCHOLARSHIP SUCCESS. Thirty-one high school graduates able to access unique learning opportunities thanks to the Foundation for Online and Blended Learning (FBOL) will embark on post-secondary endeavors with financial support. Watch FBOL Chairman & CER Board of Directors member Kevin P. Chavous explain why innovative options like blended and online learning are so important to US education.


GOING FOR GOLD. Aniya Louissaint graduated from Georgia Cyber Academy (GCA) in May, and now she’s showing off her taekwondo skills in the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio. Parents and students choose schools for a variety of reasons, and without the flexibility of GCA, Aniya “would never be able to do what she is doing,” says her father. Aniya’s story.


MORE THAN 20 YEARS STRONG. As parents in Massachusetts and nationwide demand greater parent power, let’s not forget how charter schools started and why — and how they are still succeeding, and growing, after more than 20 years!


NEW CAP IN TOWN. North Carolina may have eliminated its cap on charter schools years ago, but there’s a new kind of limitation in town as a result of too much power in the hands of the state education cartel versus multiple authorizers. The story.


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