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Newswire: August 30, 2016 — Back Off My Charter School John Oliver Video Contest — PDK Poll — Debunking Charter School Myths in Massachusetts

September 1, 2016

#BACKOFFMYCHARTER. Win $100,000 for your charter school! CER’s “Hey John Oliver, Back Off My Charter School!” Video Contest is officially underway to show the world why John Oliver’s segment on charter schools was unbalanced, unfair, and misleading. We want to hear from parents, teachers, students, and students on waitlists why they prefer to be at a charter school. Details at


HOW YOU CAN HELP.  A good education is an opportunity all kids deserve. Charters do an immense amount of good, and it’s vital to correct the record when a noted social critic’s comments could have an impact far beyond entertainment or humor.  Help spread the word by writing about the contest or spreading the word via social media or email. Tweet this. Facebook this.


PDK POLL. When something isn’t right, we aren’t afraid to speak up, which is why for years we’ve criticized PDK & its former partner Gallup for loaded survey questions. While there is room for debate as to whether or not the questions and analysis offered by the just-released 48th annual PDK Poll of the Public’s Attitudes Toward the Public Schools truly reflect public sentiment, the results are far more valid and clear than ever before. More here.

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DEBUNKING MYTHS IN MA. Thankfully, we aren’t the only ones tackling inaccuracies being spewed off by opponents of parent power. Check out the latest from the Lowell Sun editorial board setting the record straight that charter schools are “all gain, no drain.”


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