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Newswire – December 18, 2019

December 18, 2019


‘TWAS THE NIGHT BEFORE THE DEBATES, when all thru’ the house,
Randi was stirring the Democratic candidates’ house.
The strike signs were hung ‘ron the country with care,
In hopes that Ms. Warren soon would be there.

The union agitators were all snug in their red,
While visions of new contracts danc’d in their heads.
And Bernie in his kerchief, and Joe in his shawl,
Had just settled in for a 40 minute long explanation of Medicare for all.

When out in the Free Speech zone there arose such a clatter,
The media sprang from impeachment coverage to see what was the matter.
Away to the cameras the journalists flew like a flash,
Turned on the microphones and called Dana Bash.

The moon on the park where protestors flow,
Gave a lustre of hope to the people made low.
When what to Ms. Klobuchar’s wondering eyes should appear,
But mighty charter school parents marching so near.

With zeal in their eyes, moving lively and quick,
I knew in a moment, Mayor Pete would be sick.
More rapid than unions the charter advocates came,
Senator Bennet took the time to tell them his name.

Now Castro! Now Gabbard! Now Steyer and Williamson!
All missed the chance to just try and listen-some.
To the podiums, to the comfy chairs, candidates all.
Now hustling, bustling and trampling all.  (Read the rest and share!)



#WHATABOUTUS ? As we near the grand finale of the Holiday Season, it’s fitting, though frustrating, that parents and teachers and opportunity-loving people would have to travel to and through Los Angeles to demand that the Democratic candidates for president pay attention and give voice to the failing schools that they struggle to get themselves out of, asking #WHATABOUTUS ?  Life saving choices, like education scholarships, charter schools, innovative micro-schools, home schools, blended and online learning all are available in some though too few places in this the greatest country on earth. And rather than help them grow these opportunities, the candidates are more interested in special interest money.

SHOW YOUR SUPPORT – Join the Freedom Coalition for Charter Schools, California charter schools, parent power advocates and more… all you need to know to do so is below.

ICYMI. HEAR the voices of charter leaders and teachers who gathered in Pittsburgh Saturday on this special Reality Check podcast. READ Jeanne’s piece in Forbes.

UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN.  We hope and pray in this special season of giving that the opponents of education change, parent choice, education freedom and opportunity will cease their attacks and their intransigence that prevents them from accepting what parents want for their children as the driver of education. We hope and pray for them, and their families, that the light of the season will touch their hearts. Until then, we will continue to fight. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and may all your holidays be bright. We’ll be back with regularly scheduled news alerts after the Holidays. Peace.


Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education. We’re always delighted to hear from our readers…suggestions, questions and even the occasional complaint!


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