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Newswire – December 8, 2020

December 8, 2020


While the wee ones at the North Pole are putting the finishing touches on items for the sleigh on the 24th of this month, we’re putting the finishing touches on 2020 by keeping you up to date on who deserves sugar plums or lumps of coal in their stockings.

PARENTS ALWAYS KNOW BEST when it comes to the education of their kids.  The latest example of that — and an encouraging sign of parents insisting on taking control, comes from Oregon with parents saying our kids are the sacrifices – open the schools!

Parents have organized protests across the state, including one at the state Capitol in October. Speaking of parents balancing work and home schooling, one commented “This just isn’t plausible anymore. It’s not fair to the kids, who I am afraid aren’t getting an adequate education…Something needs to change. It is not working, and our kids are the sacrifices.” The Washington Times seconds Jeanne’s points in a blunt — and true — piece “Teachers unions continue to abuse children.”

PARENT POWER SWEEPING THE NATION. It’s not just Oregon where parents are fed up. This report on a rally in Nashville, TN held last Sunday notes a most encouraging sign.  Similar rallies have been held in Michigan, Texas, Washington, Oklahoma and Oregon, among others, with many more scheduled for the rest of December. “We really feel that our kids deserve better,” said N.H., resident Amy Medling. And really — that’s the bottom line — the kids deserve better.  Check out where parents have power to make changes and where more work is needed at our national Parent Power Index.

UNIONS PLAY PINOCCHIO. The excuses the unions have for keepings the schools closed, the kids at home, and not coincidentally their work days exceptionally short while receiving full pay all revolve around the bogeyman of “safety.” Many past studies have shown that open schools are safe. According to no less an expert than Dr. Robert Redfield, Director of the Center for Disease Control:

“It is critically important for our public health to open schools. CDC resources will help parents, teachers and administrators make practical, safety-focused decisions as this school year begins. “[W]e now have substantial data that shows that schools’ face-to-face learning can be conducted in K-12, and particularly in the elementary and middle schools in a safe and responsible way,”

CHICAGO TEACHERS UNION LETS THE MASK DROP. So you think the reasons parents want their kids back in school is out of concern for their learning, their well being and their futures. How naive of you. In an unbelievable tweet the Chicago Teachers Union said “The push to reopen schools is rooted in sexism, racism and misogyny.”   They received such pushback that they deleted the tweet after a couple of days, but issued no retraction nor apology to the tens of thousands of parents they insulted. The Chicago school district is over 40% African American and over 45% Latino. Hardworking folks who just want quality education for their kids, labelled sexist, racist and misogynist by the union.  Shame on the Chicago Teachers Union.

LOTS OF GOOD CHEER TO SPREAD. COVID tends to drive all the good news out of the spotlight — but there’s plenty to report.

  • Students in Kansas City public schools remain in distance learning, but charters and private schools are offering full time, in person learning, led by Genesis Charter School. Where there’s a will — and true concern for kids — there’s a way.
  • TIS THE SEASON TO BE…KIND. From Florida comes the story of The Villages Charter Elementary School that is emphasizing kindness to its students with a weekly kindness challenge. While “tis the season,” let’s hope this spirit lasts all year.

  • SCHOOLS OPEN AND KIDS LEARNING. It can be done if teachers and administrators really want to. The latest in a long list of examples is Orange County Classical Academy, a new charter school that opened its doors this fall to 360 elementary school students. Unlike LAUSD, the Academy opened on schedule with in-person instruction, compliant with all COVID mandates including wearing masks. What about safety? Out of 360 kids they only had one test positive. They’ve had zero teachers or staff test positive. If common sense instead of union bullying prevails, learning CAN take place.

EVEN BETTER THAN MEETING SANTA. How about meeting the father of our country – George Washington! On Christmas Day 1776, General George Washington’s army crossed the icy Delaware River, and over the next 10 days helped turn the tide of the American War for Independence.   Join General Washington and Private Edward “Ned” Hector, a free black man serving in the Third Pennsylvania Artillery Company, for a discussion of this great victory, and the subsequent defeats at Brandywine & Germantown, where Private Hector was noted for his courage, while also exploring why Black soldiers would fight for the patriot side. All part of our “Why America?” series.  Register here

It is the season for kindness, and we’re happy to share Glen Campbell’s tuneful hope that we all are moved to try a little kindness. Two people will be better off if you do.  The recipient of your kindness and you.  So be kind, be safe, and as always don’t hesitate to let us know if we can be of assistance to you, your schools or your kid.

Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education. 
We’re always delighted to hear from our readers…suggestions, questions and even the occasional complaint!

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