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NEWSWIRE: December 1, 2015

December 1, 2015

Vol. 17, No. 47

‘TIS THE SEASON. For giving, as I’m sure every nonprofit has made you aware with today being #GivingTuesday. Tap into your desire to help all kids get a better education with a comment on Facebook or a tweet using #Donate. Check out the examples below and try it out, or donate the “old-fashioned” way.

 Facebook Comment:
GIVINGTUESDAY2(2)Comment “#Donate $__(any USD amnt)__”, and you’ll get a short one-time registration form to complete your donation.

“I #Donate @edreform $__(any USD amnt)__” #GivingTuesday.

EVERY STUDENT SUCCEEDS. The final version of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) – or the reauthorization of ESEA or NCLB – was released Monday, and thank goodness for Education Week’s cheat sheet, because the bill is 1,061 pages! The overall gist is that this legislation gives more power back to the states while maintaining guidelines for accountability and use of federal funds.

IMPLEMENTATION MATTERS. There’s a hiccup with Montana’s tax credit program: the state Department of Revenue wrote a rule barring religious schools. Lawmakers are saying that’s not the intent of the law, and we’re saying this is why implementation is so critical when evaluating school choice and charter school laws.

Screen Shot 2015-12-01 at 2.42.14 PMSTRIKING VS. SAVING. The Chicago Sun-Times reports the Windy City union has set a strike vote for Nov. 9. Meanwhile, teachers in the South Side at Hawkins charter school are fighting to COME to work and keep their school open.

EQUITABLE FUNDING MATTERS. A 6-12th grade South Carolina charter school, Palmetto Scholars Academy, has become a lifesaver for many children in the Lowcountry. “I love PSA more than video games,” says one 7th grader. But the state’s charter school law is holding PSA from growing because the school receives nothing for facilities like traditional public schools do. Their campaign here.


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