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Newswire December 12th, 2017

December 12, 2017
KEEPIN’ IT REAL! Tired of conversation/confrontation/conflict over education-related issues that quickly escape the gravitational pull of reality? The Center for Education Reform proudly presents Reality Check with Jeanne Allen, a podcast hosted by CER Founder & CEO Jeanne Allen and is a production of National Review Online. The program debuts todaywith fearless civil rights leader and school opportunity advocate, Howard Fuller. The topic: dissecting the recent AP “analysis” of a report that claims “US charter schools put growing numbers in racial isolation” For education matters that matter to you – get a Reality Check!



THIS JUST IN. A great guy and education reform pioneer has just been nominated to serve as Assistant Secretary of the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education at USDoEd. Frank Brogan is most well known for his leadership in helping then Governor Jeb Bush enact the A+ Accountability bill as Florida’s Education Commissioner, and then became Lieutenant Governor after a successful career as an educator and district leader. Since then he’s been a University president and chancellor of Pennsylvania’s state higher education system and retired earlier this year. Welcome back to the fray, Mr. Assistant Secretary (pending confirmation, of course).



PROSPERity IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER. Amidst the doom and gloom analyses of just how the proposed tax overhaul is going to crush higher ed students, comes the Promoting Real Opportunity, Success, and Prosperity through Education Reform Act (HR 4508). Ed & Workforce Committee Chair Virginia Foxx says “No Americans—no matter their walk of life—can afford for us to simply reauthorize the Higher Education Act (HEA). They need us to reform it.”



SEGREGATION? WE DON’T THINK SO. Hundreds have accurately and forcefully pushed back on the Associated Press“analysis” of charter school data and the errant conclusion that they constitute a re-segregation of American schools. The latest is a compelling piece titled “Charters Didn’t Cause Segregation. They’re a Solution for Its Victims.” Here’s the lead: “Of all the injustices in contemporary American society, perhaps the most grotesque is the system that ties education to neighborhoods that are segregated by race and class.” It’s a compelling, well written piece. Take the time to read it.


PIRLS OF WISDOM…OR NOT SO MUCH. The latest Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) came out last week and as is often – much too often – the case with such assessments, U.S. performance is found lacking. What do Moscow City, the Russian Federation, Singapore, Hong Kong and Ireland have in common? They ALL have higher reading proficiency than the U.S.! This should be a wake-up call, but sadly, the nation just keeps hitting the snooze button and pulling the covers up over its head.



LAST CALL! NY EdTech Week fires up next Tuesday with a cast of thousands, including Basis Founders Olga and Michael Block, Success Academy’s Eva Moskowitz, College Board chief David Colemand and more. Hosted by NYU Steinhardt and produced by StartEd, the conference is an unparalleled gathering of entrepreneurs, education leaders, investors, industry executives, learners, and researchers – all driven by the ideas, innovation and technology that advance learning outcomes. This is one Tech conference not to be missed!
PS: National School Choice Week – The countdown is on. Only 40 days until NSCW 2018! Get your SCW scarves out and shine a spotlight on effective education options for every child.

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