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Newswire: December 13, 2016 — All We Want for Christmas… Is Expansion of the DCOSP! – Education Opportunity in Kentucky – Strong Charter School Laws Matter – 5 Days Until NY Ed Tech Week

December 13, 2016


ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS… Funds for DC’s life-saving opportunity scholarship program were released by Congress late Friday night, but Opportunity DC — a project of CER and Democracy Builders to build a movement of parents who are dedicated to expanding educational opportunity for all students in the District of Columbia — continues to push on Capitol Hill for expansion of this important program. “Congress should consider expanding the program next session, if not now,” writes Washington Examiner’s Jason Russell.  All we want for Christmas is expansion of the DCOSP….

CHARTER LAWS MATTER. The association of charter school authorizers is claiming that a weak law is actually among the nation’s best. Washington State’s embattled charter law, which rests control in the state bureaucracy and underfunds and limits the number of schools available, is considered a model, while DC’s leading law is in the middle of the pack. Policy differences can undermine real opportunities for families. Does your state have a great charter law? Help NACSA understand how real laws should work. Write them at [email protected].

OPPORTUNITY IN KY. Speaking of strong laws to advance opportunity, kudos to KY for its commitment to advancing meaningful opportunities for students, and particularly Governor Bevin and his Secretary of Education, Hal Heiner, with whom CER has worked extensively to build and nurture support for comprehensive education reforms in the Bluegrass State. Momentum is building for new opportunities for students in the Bluegrass State with a new governor, a choice-friendly House, and KY lawmakers visiting DC charter schools earlier this year.

5 DAYS UNTIL NY EDTECH WEEK! Where can you find the biggest names in education and edtech, rising stars, and musical surprises all in one place? NY EdTech Week of course! Join us as CER CEO Jeanne Allen moderates a star-studded panel including Larry Berger (Amplify), Deborah Kenny (Harlem Village Academies), Gerard Robinson (AEI), and Jim Shelton (Chan Zuckerberg Initiative). Get your tickets for this event being held Dec. 19-21 before it’s too late!

‘TIS BETTER TO GIVE… Did you know you can help bring greater parent power to kids when you shop for holiday gifts? Here’s how. You can also contribute to expanding educational opportunity by supporting the Center directly by going to


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