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Newswire: December 21, 2016 — Highlights from NY EdTech Week — Urban Prep in Chicago Continues to Send 100% of Seniors To College — CER's 12-ish Days of Christmas

December 21, 2016

NY EDTECH WEEK.  CER’s mission and work is to expand parent power and innovation so that all may achieve the American Dream. EdTech — and the promise it holds to transform the way we think about teaching and learning — is a vital component to this equation. After day one of NY EdTech Week, we’re energized by the brilliant educators, innovators, entrepreneurs, business leaders, investors, policymakers and more gathered at this global festival. The festival kicked off with CER’s own Jeanne Allen leading a discussion with “rowdy K-12 innovators and thought leaders.” Stay tuned for the video up on soon, and in the meantime check out this twitter moment of highlights we put together!

COLLEGE BOUND.  One hundred percent of Urban Prep seniors are headed to college. This is the seventh consecutive year this has happened for this independent inner-city Chicago school serving all African-American males, mostly from low-income families. THIS is the kind of impact choice can have on communities if we have policies that let ed opportunity thrive.

TIS THE SEASON. CER’s 12-ish days of Christmas is underway, intended to spread edreform cheer and bring gifts to all!  We’ll be surprising your inbox with these gifts through January. Stay tuned, and don’t forget to share the edreform holiday cheer on social media!

GIFT & GIVE!  Don’t forget you can use Amazon Smile for those last-minute gift purchases to advance parent power & innovation! You can also support the Center directly by donating via Will you help us raise $25,000 by the end of 2016 to lay the foundation for true innovation and opportunity in 2017? We thank you for dedication to expanding educational opportunity!

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