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Newswire: December 6, 2016 — 2015 PISA Indicates A Nation Still At Risk — Michigan Charter Schools Succeed — WNYC's "On The Media" Show Lets False Claims Go Unchallenged — NY EdTech Week

December 6, 2016

A NATION STILL AT RISK. Yet another sobering report addressing the crisis in US education was issued today. American 15 year olds did worse in math, and remained stagnant at astonishingly low rates of proficiency on the 2015 worldwide PISA assessment. The US ranks 35th in math, 14th in reading, and 18th in Science. Administered by the Organization for Economic Development (OECD), the PISA is given every three years to 15-year-olds across the globe. Without a doubt, these results are a “rallying cry” for innovation and opportunity to be infused into all education policy initiatives


MI CHARTERS SUCCEED. Far too many news outlets are using the occasion of Education Secretary Designate Betsy DeVos’ appointment to discredit Michigan charter schools and the state’s record of success. CER’s Jeanne Allen sets the record straight in the Washington Examiner.

Washington Examiner

“ON THE MEDIA” OFF-KILTER. “The NPR reporter simply reported what they were told without mentioning that most charter schools are failing,” said George Lakoff during a guest appearance on WNYC’s “On The Media.”It’s hard to believe such blatantly false statement would go unchallenged, particularly on a show whose sole objective is to investigate how the media shapes our worldview. This NPR-affiliated show allowed a guest to spout off hearsay without any challenge. Like others in the media (John Oliver are you listening?), making claims that have no foundation is irresponsible.


COOPER CLAIMS NC. Incumbent Pat McCrory conceded to challenger Roy Cooper yesterday after a drawn-out battle for North Carolina governor. What this could mean for education in the Tar Heel State here.


NY EDTECH WEEK. The who’s who of ed tech, education, foundation and investors will gather for NY Ed Tech Week, the global education festival that brings together people throughout the nation and globe for three days Dec. 19-21. Day 1 alone will see people from the Chancellor of the NY Department of Education to the Founding CLO of jetBlue. CER’s own Jeanne Allen will be moderating a stellar panel including Larry Berger (Amplify), Deborah Kenny (Harlem Village Academies), Gerard Robinson (AEI), and Jim Shelton (ChanZuckerberg). Tickets available – with discounts for students and educators! – here.


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