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Newswire: February 2, 2016

February 2, 2016

Vol. 18, No. 5

TIME FOR KY TO GET IN CHARTER GAME. Super Bowl 50 teams have endured a season-long struggle to reach their ultimate goal. Like theScreen Shot 2016-02-02 at 2.51.55 PMse gridiron warriors, advocates of school choice in Kentucky have struggled and persisted in their efforts to enact a charter school law. For the sake of the children, we hope they win. And while football offers creative analogies, the future of our children is not a game and losing cannot be an option. More on why Kentucky badly needs school choice.

UNIONS’ POLITICAL SPENDING. Early spending of upwards of $7M from both the AFT and NEA backing 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is just the “tip of the iceberg,” reports Politico. Both unions came out early backing Hil, which explains why she’s been singing the same off-key tune as unions when it comes to charter schools.

Screen Shot 2016-02-02 at 2.54.20 PMCAP LIFT. There’s a bi-partisan agreement in MA in support of lifting the cap on charter schools, as the Democratic Speaker and Republican Governor are both speaking out on behalf of the 37,000 children on charter school waitlists.

NC ACHIEVEMENT DISTRICT. Kudos to NC Rep. Rob Bryan for improving opportunities for kids with proposed new Achievement District, which would convert the state’s lowest performing schools into charter schools.

MORE CHOICES FOR INDIANA. The first-ranked Parent Power state is looking to expand choices for more working-class families with a bill that would extend the state’s voucher program to families making up to $97,000 annually and allow funds to be used for other education-related expenses such as textbooks and tutoring, for example.


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