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Newswire – November 27, 2018 #GivingTuesday

November 27, 2018

We interrupt your regularly scheduled Newswire to bring you a special announcement!

Last week we shared with you just a fraction of the reasons we are #Thankful. We stopped as we do often (though not often enough) to salute those parents who fight for better education, educators who create their own schools or programs, entrepreneurs who lead and more.

But as we all know, it’s in giving we receive. And today, well, today is #GivingTuesday.

And here are 10 reasons you should give and we should receive, today, and maybe tomorrow, and maybe in your end of the year giving, too. Now don’t click out of this communication until you’ve read every one. You’ll not regret it. If nothing else, it might make you laugh, or cry, or learn something new!

Top Ten Reasons to Give to CER

10.  Apart from classic film buffs and hard core Steve McQueen fans, who else uses the term the Blob?

9.  What other groups generate 166 million media impressions in just one year?

8.  Do you know a lot of other groups with whose CEO union boss Randi Weingarten starts a Twitter war?

7.  How many groups have made it to 25 years of age and still are the first call for policymakers, parents and the media?

6.  Because our Why America? project is ensuring that authentic American, patriotic history is reaching DC charter children, just for starters.

5.  Because we believe that Rural America deserves a brand-new ecosystem of education that includes all of education in all sectors, and we’re actually doing something about it!

4.  Because CER is the only national group that understands and works with the grassroots to embrace every educational option available, not just one narrow pathway.

3.  Where else do edtech, higher ed and edreform converge to promote and produce innovation in education at every level?

2.  How many other EdReform organizations do you know that have a truly diverse board in every sense, including politically!?

1.  Because for every $178 we receive we are able to create a new choice for a child.

So go ahead, use your #GivingTuesday compassion to give to CER. And if you are not able to do so, know that you can always give of yourself, by getting involved in numerous ways.


THE SMART CHOICE  FOR KIDS & POLITICIANS.  We really don’t want to take your concentration away from using #GivingTuesday. So just one additional item in this truncated Newswire. The item is important because it shows what CER has been saying for 25 years: Expanded opportunity, innovation and choices for kids and parents is NOT a partisan, ideological or racial issue.

The example comes from the Sunshine state, as reported by the James Madison Institute in the November 20th edition of The Wall Street Journal: “Believe it or not, Republican Ron DeSantis owes his victory in the Florida gubernatorial election to about 100,000 African-American women who unexpectedly chose him over the black Democratic candidate, Andrew Gillum.”

To paraphrase Mr. Spock, may school choice moms all across America live long and prosper. You can read the full WSJ article here.

ALRIGHTY THEN – OUR EARLY ADVENT GIVING TO YOU IS A SHORTENED “NEWSWIRE”.  We hope you’ll consider using #GivingTuesday to give to what we believe is America’s most dynamic and effective engine for school change – CER.

AND THAT’S A WRAP, as exhausted store personnel all across America are saying.  As always – thanks for reading. And ahem, did you know that today is Giving Tuesday?  In case you forgot and are in the mood, you can give to your favorite educational change organization here.


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