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Newswire: January 10, 2017 — Louisiana Court Rules Charter Funding Unconstitutional — DeVos Hearing Delayed — First 100 Days Agenda Coming Soon

January 11, 2017

BAYOU CHARTER TROUBLE. Yesterday the Louisiana First Circuit Court of Appeal ruled – ridiculously in error of course – that the funding component for charter schools approved by the state (Type 2, they call them) is unconstitutional. The lawsuit was of course brought to you by the teachers union, and is yet another indication of the extremes to which they will go to prevent parents from choosing the schools that will do the best job of educating their children. More here.

MA CHARTER HYPROCRISY? Though 70 charter schools in Massachusetts have benefitted from the foundational work of people in other states who paved the way for their own law, the leadership of their association has oddly penned a letter to their US Senator, Elizabeth Warren, claiming that their concerns about Michigan’s charter schools – unfounded – bring them concern about the nomination of Betsy DeVos, a Michigander, as Trump’s Education Secretary. It’s mind-boggling that those in the business of parent power don’t support opportunities of ALL modalities for students – and even sadder that they’re upholding misconceptions about Michigan’s charter school sector as truth. 

SPEAKING OF DEVOS. US Education Secretary nominee Betsy DeVos’ confirmation hearing has been moved to January 17th at 5pm “at request of Senate leadership to accommodate Senate schedule,” according to HELP Committee chair Senator Lamar Alexander. That means more days ahead of “outrageous and contradictory” rhetoric from those in the business of maintaining the status quo. Offender #1, of course, being the AFT, with President Randi Weingarten giving a speech yesterday at the National Press Club designed to scare teachers into calling their US Senators to spout off lies about DeVos’ record and educational choice. EdReformers are fighting back — call your US Senator so lies do not outweigh the truth about parent power.  

FIRST 100 DAYS. Tomorrow the Center will unveil an agenda for federal action that lays out a model at the federal level for education innovation and opportunity. Watch your inbox!

Speaking of falsehoods, there’s an all too common myththat educational opportunity isn’t relevant to rural families and communities. Joe Nathan, senior fellow at the Center for School Change, points out why that’s just wrong.

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