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Newswire: January 3, 2017 — 115th Congress In Session — Kentucky To Tackle Education Opportunity — What Bill Gates and Donald Trump Have In Common

January 3, 2017

#OPENINGDAY. Congress is back in session today, and CER CEO Jeanne Allen joined the bipartisan celebration for the 115th Congress. This is the 12th Congress CER has worked with to advance opportunity and innovation in education. And while much was accomplished in 2016, there’s still much to be done in 2017 to advance kinds of opportunities and innovations that will transform education and put learners of all ages on a surer path to success. Our list of ways the new administration can advance parent power coming soon…

OPPORTUNITY IN KY. The Bluegrass State is back in action and ready to tackle parent power in 2017 – and we’re excited to be working with leaders like Hal Heiner and others to make that happen. However, one charter school bill filed is severely limiting, and won’t create the kind of opportunities needed to ensure all children – from Louisville to more rural parts of the state – can achieve the American Dream.

DONALD TRUMP & BILL GATES. It turns out that Donald Trump and Bill Gates have an important shared interest, opines Jeanne Allen in the Washington Times.

CHRISTMAS ISN’T OVER. Lucky for you, we’re committed to bringing gifts to edreformers until the official end of the Christmas season. Ring in 2017 by sharing the series on social media – and stay tuned for the last 3 days coming to your inbox this week!

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