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Newswire: July 19, 2016 — What Next President Needs To Know About Innovation — Charter Schools As Adult Literacy Solution — Innovation Roundtable Connects EdTech & Policy

WHAT THE NEXT PRESIDENT NEEDS TO KNOW.  With conventions underway, we’re delivering messages from the best and brightest in education and edtech about what the next president needs to know when it comes to Innovation and Opportunity.

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EDLECTION CENTER. As a non-partisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to great opportunities for all children, students and families, CER does not endorse candidates or take political positions, but will always recognize and applaud those who advance sound education policies. See here. And here. Which is why we’re in the midst of bringing you our 2016 EDlection Center, dedicated to helping voters navigate where candidates stand on real parent power. In the meantime, fodder for what candidates should heed here288d3c0fbc6d496fbc519b4003c4d180

MASSACHUSETTS’ TIME TO SHINE. “For too many families, the skies have not cleared.” Bay State Governor Charlie Baker’s appropriate analogy at a rainy charter school rally last week, and why it’s Massachusetts’ time to shine when it comes to expanding opportunity.

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ADULT LITERACY. “Why aren’t innovative K-12 education models more prevalent in adult education?” ponders Liza McFadden, President and CEO of the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy. Thankfully, Goodwill is realizing the “unbridled potential” of charter schools to help solve adult literacy issues.

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INNOVATION ROUNDTABLE. Last week marked the kickoff of CER’s first formal Innovation Roundtable meeting, connecting school leaders with entrepreneurs as a way to not only beta test amazing innovations with great potential to enhance learning, but as a way to empower all involved about edtech’s intersection with education policy. To learn more, email [email protected] and stay tuned to for updates!

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