As we all prepare to enjoy our nation’s annual birthday celebration, we hope you’ll take a few moments between the cookouts, ballgames, parades, and fireworks to truly consider what Independence Day means to us collectively, as a nation, and individually as citizens. Collectively it defines us as a country; it symbolizes our role as a leading light for democracy and freedom around the globe, and as the greatest advocate for and defender of those freedoms that the world has ever known.

As citizens, it means that we enjoy freedoms that are unrivaled in the history of civilization: the freedom to worship as we choose and not as dictated by the state; the freedom to speak – to agree, to differ, to argue, to quietly debate or to scream from the top of our lungs – in expressing any opinion we hold; the freedom to associate – with anyone we choose and, as importantly, with no one if that is our choice; the freedom to assemble – to meet, gather, march, to unite in celebration or protest; freedom of movement – to travel the nation unhindered; a free press – providing a broad chorus of independent opinion, thought and insight unchecked by censorship; and the freedom to call on our government to act, to call out our government when it fails to act, to support policies and laws or to oppose them.
So tomorrow take a minute to think about those freedoms, and the hundreds of other ways, large and small they manifest themselves in our daily lives. Then take another minute to think of how life would be if any of them were taken away.
Wishing you a safe and blessed 4th. Stay hydrated.
Happy Independence Day 2018!
P.S. Check out The Bill of Rights Institute, which develops educational resources and programs for a network of more than 50,000 educators and 70,000 students nationwide, and their Documents of Freedom program – a comprehensive digital course on history, government, and economics. The Institute develops educational resources and programs for a network of more than 50,000 educators and 70,000 students nationwide. Great stuff!
P.P.S. And now, to get your holiday week off to a festive start (and because, heck, who doesn’t love a marching band?) take a quick break and watch the Marine Corps Band leading the 2016 July 4th Capitol Hill Neighborhood Parade.
Don’t forget! Meet us in Miami Oct. 25-26 for our Silver Anniversary Summit + Celebration. More info at
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1455 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Suite 250, Washington, DC 20004
Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education.