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Newswire: July 30, 2013

July 29, 2013

Vol. 15, No. 29

OFF TO THE BEACH. While none of us are actually sitting on a beach right now, Newswire requested some much-needed vacation time this week. Besides, most of you are away and not paying attention to email. Newswire will return next week, fully recharged and ready for the Back-to-School push that August brings.

NEWS FIX. For those of you that are paying attention to email or are looking for the latest education news, be sure to check out the daily lineup in the Media Bullpen, the largest aggregator – and only analyst – of education news in the nation.

SUMMER HOMEWORK FOR PARENTS. Sunday marked National Parent’s Day and since 1999, CER has been providing Parent Power!, a program aimed at helping parents make sense of schooling. While Newswire is on vacation, take some time to Noodle around these tips and get informed at the Parent Power Index.

See you next week!

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