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Newswire – July 30, 2019

A HOME RUN FOR CHARTERS. Few things are as all-American as baseball – and education opportunity!  Over 1,000  D.C. charter school leaders, educators & families got to experience that winning combination on July 23rd at Nationals Park, where CER partnered with the winning team to sponsor DC Charter School Night. The event celebrated the achievements of the D.C. charter school community which has delivered extraordinary results for the school kids of the Nation’s Capital, particularly low income and at risk students whose achievements have soared since charter opportunities began in 1996. Twelve schools were recognized on the field and a great time was had by all – including the Nats who trounced the Colorado Rockies 11-1.

The only error on the night was the continued refusal of the D.C. School Board to release over 1.5 million square feet of unused building space for the 11,861 waitlisted students who are waiting to get into the charter school line-up. The sad details are here . Come on DCPS – make this a grand slam by opening those doors and letting the students in to learn and thrive.

A GRAND SLAM FOR MIKE BLOOMBERG.  Former NewYork Mayor – and prominent liberal Democrat –Mike Bloomberg hit it out of the park in his recent speech to the 2019 NAACP Convention.  “They want to take options away from our kids, and I don’t think we should do that. You can’t let them do that”, said Hizzoner. So far Mayor Bloomberg is bating 1,000 in our book.

WARREN TO SANDERS TO BIDEN  – ONE, TWO, THREE STRIKES YOU’RE OUT.  Though we call out three in the headline, it seems that every Democrat running for President wants to make college “free” for everyone and cancel debts that were voluntarily entered into because…well…because folks took out loans they can’t afford without completing their education or securing the requisite training that will land them the jobs that employers throughout the country are dying to fill! It’s kind of like the urban school districts who recently signed teacher union contracts that will most certainly bankrupt those districts in the not too distant future. An excellent rundown on how off base and full of errors those proposals are recently appeared in Reason magazine. Well worth a read.

ROOT, ROOT, ROOT FOR THE HOME TEAM. Yes, yes, the Nats of course, but also for Virginia Walden Ford founder of the D.C. Parents For School Choice. This remarkable woman is featured in a movie in production, documenting her incredible journey through Washington, DC, the Halls of Congress and even facing off with then President Clinton on his veto of the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program.  Miss Virginia, which is also the name of the movie, would persevere, as did thousands of parents and allies who joined her in her quest. Ford is being played by Uzo Aduba, star of the popular “Orange Is The New Black” television series. The film’s producer Erin O’Connor hits the nail on the head;  “Her story is one of grit, determination, and the transformative power of a mother who refuses to give up on her son”. This will be a “must see” film, and we will keep you updated on its progress and release dates.

ANOTHER CHOICE ALL STAR. Not much farther from National’s Park than a throw to the plate from deep right field are the Friendship Schools  in D.C.  Wards 7 & 8, the city’s poorest area. Founder and Board Chairman Donald Hense is spotlighted as five of the Friendship schools were rated Tier 1 by the Public Charter School Board.  Over 80% of the students are black or latino, all of whom are getting a superior education because of…wait for it teachers’ unions…choice and opportunity. Hense and Virginia Walden Ford are  powerful one-two hitters in the charter schools line-up.

PUT THEM IN COACH – THEY’RE READY TO PLAY. Incompetent managers and coaches cost many talented teams championships. Likewise, incompetent educrats and school districts cost many talented students the chance to receive quality education. The latest example comes from rural Wisconsin, where kids in Mattoon face a 45 minute bus ride to school because the school board is blocking the use of empty- yes empty – school buildings by a charter school. Sadly the D.C. educrat “stand in the schoolhouse door rather than open a charter” mentality has apparently spread to Mattoon. The stubbornness or plain ignorance of the education establishment across America to opening doors of opportunity to students brings to mind Casey Stengel’s famous remark when he was manager of the woeful 1962 New York Mets, “Does anyone here know how to play this game?”

As always, please drop us a line, with any input and suggestions.




Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education.

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