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Newswire – July 7, 2020

Bye Bye Blaine, Supporting Black lives, Building The USA Digital Highway, Winning Cash, Sounding Off For CER.

BLAINE BIGOTRY NO MORE. We confess to still feeling the glow from last week’s Supreme Court decision ruling Montana’s “Blaine Amendment” illegal. Lots of work remains however, as the action now shifts to the states. You can read Jeanne Allen’s insight in The Bigotry of Blaine No More and what the decision means for parental choice in education. We will keep you up to date on the action as it unfolds in state capitols, and you can check out the history and latest developments on CER’s Blaine page on our website.

SUPPORTING BLACK LIVES MEANS SUPPORTING SCHOOL CHOICE. That is the headline of a powerfully written column by Nyarok Tot and Walter Blanks, Jr. , two leaders of The American Federation for Children Future Leaders Fellowship program. They would know – they are both beneficiaries of education opportunity, and both doing the hard work of working to expand it, like a lot of smart young people, rather than just hanging around aimlessly following mobs trying to decapitate statues. Yes, we did just go there.

BUILD AMERICA’S DIGITAL HIGHWAY. The smart way to improve educational access for all is cogently laid out by the visionary Michael M. Crow, President of Arizona State University and journalist Jeff Selingo. How? Replicate the federal program that built the interstate highway program to connect roads in every state with a new digital education interstate system that does the same for education. 

SOMEONE IS GOING TO WIN $2,500 AND POSSIBLY $20,000. It might as well be a student you know! Answer this question, “How has your school delivered on the promise of equal access and educational excellence, particularly during these challenging times?” with a brief video and your students & school will be entered in our contest. Easy to follow instructions can be found here. 

CER ACTION SERIES CONTINUES today with #Espinoza: Implications and What’s Next. Jeanne is joined by the leading US Supreme Court attorney of our day, Paul Clement and his partner George Hicks, who will parse through what the US Supreme Court decision means for education today. REGISTER NOW

BINGE WATCH the Action Series anytime, including the most recent broadcast discussing what charters are doing to advance college and career success.

ARIZONA GOVERNOR DOUG DUCEY CARES. Okay, we’re being a little “punny.” The $2 trillion “CARES” act provides $30.7 billion for education, including grants to states. We’re happy to relay that the good folks at ExcelinEd report that Arizona’s Governor Ducey is using the state’s CARES Act funds to fuel innovative solutions, provide extra support in high-need schools and improve distance learning options. Full details are here.

As we enter the “dog days of summer”, we hope you find some days to relax, refresh and rejuvenate body and spirit. Here’s some mellow summer jazz to help with those tasks. And as always – please let us know how we can help or if you have questions. 


Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education. 
We’re always delighted to hear from our readers…suggestions, questions and even the occasional complaint!

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