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Newswire: June 14, 2016 — A New Equation for EdReform — A Better Way — Remembering Choice Champion Voinovich — Literacy Solutions

A NEW EQUATION FOR EDREFORM. “We are faced with a wave of domestic and international turmoil. Education has never been more important to solving both.” How can we solve for both? Come join us at the National Press Club in Washington, DC tomorrow. RSVP by emailing [email protected].

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 Yesterday, parents and community leaders shared with congressional leaders and staffers how the DCOSP is a blessing for their kids’ success & upward mobility. More on Edspresso.

DC OSP meeting June 2016

A BETTER WAY. Speaker Paul Ryan’s “A Better Way” agenda released last week reflects the importance of education, and how educational opportunity is the best way to fight poverty.

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REMEMBERING A CHOICE CHAMPION. It is with great sadness that we share that former Ohio Governor George Voinovich has passed away. He was instrumental in enacting school choice not just in Ohio, but in DC too upon becoming Senator. His dedication to providing excellent education opportunities to students, particularly those most underserved by schools, will be sorely missed, and remembered as we continue the important work of ensuring more students are able to access schools that allow for upward mobility.

BUILDING HOPE FOR OVER 70,000 STUDENTS. Since 2003, Building Hope has been supporting public charter schools in Washington D.C., Florida and other U.S. locations by providing business services, technical and financial assistance for educational facilities. This year was record-breaking for Building Hope, as charter school facility projects exceeded $1 billion, with 200 school projects crating brighter futures for more than 70,000 students across the country. More in their annual report.

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CHARTERS GO TO COURT. Kids shouldn’t be denied opportunities simply because a district deems a school is not “innovative enough.” Palm Beach County is taking this argument to court, after the FL state board of Education ruled the district must approve several high-performing charter schools it rejected. Stay tuned…

CELEBRATING CHARTERS IN MUSIC CITY.  We’ll be in Nashville for the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools Conference June 26-29.  Will you? Join us.Admitting-admitting-you-suffer-from-FOMO

LITERACY SOLUTIONS. “Incredibly motivating to connect business, educational technology, academia, and education options to solve illiteracy” @JeanneAllen tweeted during the Barbara Bush Foundation’s Conversation on the Future of Adult Literacy event last week. Eight important takeaways about the bold ideas and innovative thinking that can help alleviate our nation’s literacy crisis here.


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