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Newswire – June 25, 2019


WE TOLD YOU study points out that sixty-five percent of children entering school today will end up in jobs that don’t yet exist, and that much of  the future of work won’t be about college degrees but job skills. The solution, as the study points out, is to discard education models that are over a century old and pursue “non traditional” education options. Wish we had said that.  Oh wait…we have!

LETTERS, WE GET LETTERS.  A little bragging, if we may, about our consistent support of the proverbial education Davids when the Goliaths come a marching. This flattering acknowledgement of our help with the MAS Charter School in Albuquerque fighting the New Mexico education bureaucracy, is just one of the dozens of ways CER works to expand opportunity for all kids, no matter where they live.


INNOVATIVE THINKING IN NORTH CAROLINA. “Reality Check with Jeanne Allen,” the weekly podcast hosted by CER’s founder and CEO, released its 66th episode this week featuring  Mark Johnson, North Carolina’s Superintendent of Public I
@MarkRJohnsonNC – who was elected to his position on a pro-innovation, pro-options platform. In addition to discussing Johnson’s work, this week’s episode covers the state’s teacher strikes, the problem of obstructive state governments and the persistent successes of schools when teachers and parents have power. Give a listen to some common sense from the Tar Heel state.


Drop us a line, as always, please reach out with any input and suggestions.


Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education.

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