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Newswire: June 7, 2016 – Find out what our new social media avatar means — de Blasio shuts down Pre-K — Race is red herring in battle for better schools

I + O = R. Wonder what it means? There’s only one way to find out. On June 15, our founder and CEO, Jeanne Allen, will reveal a new manifesto. This call to arms distills our philosophy into three key words. If you’re in the DC area, we’d love for you to join us for lunch at the Press Club. (You can RSVP by replying to [email protected].) We hope to see you soon!Screen Shot 2016-06-07 at 4.11.34 PM

PRE-K GONE. NYC’s Mayor de Blasio undoubtedly made his union supporters happy by killing Success Academy’s Pre-K program. “The contract forced on charter schools by the administration strips charters of their autonomy over curriculum, regulates the school day down to the minute,” Success Academy founder and CEO Eva Moskowitz (and EdReformie awardee!) said in a statement. Success is taking this battle to court, but issues will not be resolved in time to serve the Big Apple’s youngest students. Shame on de Blasio for playing politics and taking away a quality Pre-K option.


TAKINGS CLAUSE, TURNED UPSIDE DOWN. Unions are pulling out all the stops when it comes to the battle for money, this time filing federal lawsuits claiming that allowing union members to opt out violates the Constitution’s Takings Clause. In other words, the long shot that unions are trying to argue is that being forced to represent the interests of those who do not pay dues “amounts to the state taking against them without just compensation.” More in the Wall Street Journal.


RED HERRING. Race is a red herring in the battle for better schools. Here’s why. redherring

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