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Newswire – March 25, 2020

March 25, 2020


Our resolve is more firm than ever before. We are not blinking — never have and never will. We are redoubling our commitment and efforts to help education advance through and despite this crisis.

Whenever this COVID19 crisis ends, and it WILL end, one thing is certain  things will never be the same. The crisis has brought to the forefront the innovators and entrepreneurs who will make education  in America and abroad  agile, adaptive and successful in the 21st century.  

DON’T LET EDUCATION FALL IN THE CURVE.Tens of thousands of amazing people, programs, organizations and content have been produced, updated and made free online. We’re doing our part to make sure our kids don’t fall into the curve, with a one-stop shopping platform for all who need access to how and what to learn in this new digital age.

MOVING FROM BC to AD APRIL 1.  This new digital age requires new thinking. Our partners at ASU+GSV are taking a portion of their annual summit online to help you think through what’s next across the globe.

MINI-VIRTUAL SUMMIT APRIL 2. After hearing scores of challenges with this new “normal,” CER will be connecting ed tech leaders with our most important customers — the parents and educators on the frontlines. Register Here



Listen to our Podcast! This week’s edition of Reality Check with Jeanne Allen features Scott Cheney executive director of Credential Engine, who explains the burgeoning marketplace of credentialing, and how those streamline the pathways between high school, higher education and the workforce.



Take a Virtual Reality Lesson – in Italy! While theU.S. – Italia Education Innovation Festival has been postponed, you can give some encouragement to good folks in Italy.  Michael McDonald, an EdTech teacher living in Lecce, Italy, is running a 24 hour English lesson in virtual reality to raise funds for the Red Cross.  Open your heart a lot, and your wallet even a little, and help with this wonderful gesture.

Read An Unfinished Journey Take a break,  grab a coffee — or adult beverage — and relax with Jeanne Allen’s new book. Inspired by her Italian heritage and passion for education, her writings will have you both laughing and crying — and best of all forgetting about our mess, at least for a while.

Rather than curse the darkness of the virus, CER chooses to light candles by providing you with the best, most up to date information and resources anyone could use to get through this.

 Our closing thoughts are hopes and prayers that you and yours stay safe.  We will get through this.

After all, we’re Americans.



Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education. 
We’re always delighted to hear from our readers…suggestions, questions and even the occasional complaint!


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