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Newswire: March 29, 2016

March 29, 2016

Vol. 18, No. 13

TEACHER RIGHTS. The Supreme Court’s split decision today in the Friedrichs v. California Teachers Assocation et al. case does not meaScreen Shot 2016-03-29 at 3.52.18 PMn that the issue of teachers’ rights is going away. “Great and courageous teachers like Rebecca Friedrichs have already exposed the public to the issue of union collective bargaining power in education, and when they come back to fight to make workplace freedom a reality, we will be ready to help them fight for their ability to be treated as professionals. We simply must.” More from CER Founder & CEO Jeanne Allen.

LOUISIANA LAWSUIT. “Money will always be the biggest area of dissension in education as long as school boards maintain the flawed position that money belongs to one set of systems and not people,” CER told the Louisiana Record about a local school board partnering with the state teachers union to challenge a district court charter school ruling.

CHARTER STARTER. Sean ‘P Diddy’ Combs Sean_Combs_2is adding edreform to his resume, using his star power for good by starting a charter school in Harlem, NY. He’s not the first celeb to open a charter school either. Maybe if MA lifted the cap on charter schools, they would have celebrities rushing to open schools there too…

MUST WATCH. Dr. Wayne Lewis, the Executive Director of Education Programs at the Kentucky Secretary of Education’s Office, gives a fantastic briefing on what charter schools can offer The Bluegrass State. Watch here.

Screen Shot 2016-03-29 at 3.56.57 PMRACE & CHARTERS. There’s a much bigger story to how and why charter schools uniquely succeed that was not covered well in The Boston Globe’s “Racial aspects tinge Mass. charter debate” article. Here’s the real deal.

ED TECH INNOVATION OF THE WEEK. School choice could be getting easier for parents thanks to mobile tools and technology like SchoolMint. EdSurge has the scoop here. (Have an ed tech innovation that advances student, educator or parent power? Send it to [email protected])

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