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Newswire: November 22, 2016 — In the Spirit of Thanksgiving, we're thankful for a mandate for change from voters, charter schools speaking up, and more!

November 22, 2016

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, this week’s Newswire highlights just a few things we’re thankful for here at The Center for Education Reform:

CHARTER SCHOOLS SPEAKING UP. John Oliver launched a misguided attack on our nation’s public charter schools, and they spoke up by responding with more than 250 videos showcasing the amazing ways they’re advancing opportunity for students.


MANDATE FOR CHANGE FROM VOTERS. Earlier this month, voters across the country sent a clear message by electing opportunity-minded leaders into office. We’re thankful – and hopeful – that these leaders – and others voted into public office – will pave the way for innovation and opportunity for our nation’s learners of every age. This evergreen advice for any government leader or policy maker is a terrific place to start.

mandate for change-screen

THOSE WORKING ALONGSIDE US TO REVIVE EDREFORM. In June, we unveiled our New Opportunity Agenda to reframe the debate to educate the public and lawmakers on the necessity and best approaches to ensuring innovation and opportunity throughout education. Earlier this month, we formally launched this effort to collectively change the conversation with a one-day EdReform Revived event. We’re grateful for the brilliant and amazing minds who gathered to figure out how we can keep pushing and driving greater innovative opportunities for kids. While we work on a full comprehensive report, videos, and resources, here are 10 takeaways from the conversation.

EdReform Revived Event Summary

We’ll be sharing what we’re #thankful for here at @edreform all week long on Twitter. We invite you to do the same! (Don’t forget to tag @edreform in your tweets so we can retweet!)

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