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NEWSWIRE: November 24, 2015

November 24, 2015

Vol. 17, No. 46

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, this week’s Newswire showcases just a few things we’re thankful for here at The Center for Education Reform:

ALLOWING TEACHERS TO BE REWARDED FOR WORK WELL DONE. In cities that boldly advanced performance pay, some teachers are making as much as $100K. We are grateful for districts which give teachers the chance to earn more based on how well they do their job, not seniority alone. Screen Shot 2015-11-24 at 11.11.08 AM

REAL CHARTER FACTS BEING MADE PUBLIC. A new School Equity report reveals DC public charter schools serve more African American and economically disadvantaged students than the city average. Hear that Hil?

TRAILBLAZERS. All those past and present working to make education better for all kids, including, but not limited to…

JOHN CHUBB. This intellectual giant transformed the way we think of school choice, and CER remains resolute to provide ever-constant reminders of how choice IS a panacea until we as a nation get it right. We bid a final farewell to John this weekend, where his colleagues and friends from around the country gathered to remember his amazing contributions to teaching and learning.

POLLY WILLIAMS & TOMMY THOMPSON. Where Chubb helped create the foundation through his research, the implementation of school choice is owing mainly to two individuals, the late Dem State Rep Polly Williams and the Republican Governor Thompson with whom she partnered in launching the nation’s first voucher program, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where today more than 31,000 students are benefiting from choice.

(Fun Fact: John Chubb and Polly Williams were both founding board members of the Center for Education Reform in 1993!)

GROUPS LIKE AAE. That’s Association of American image001Educators, the largest non-union professional association for teachers, whose leaders staunchly believe teachers should have control over their paycheck dollars, since traditional unions are going and spending teachers’ dues on things like airplane ads.

Be sure to watch for more tributes of thanks on @edreform social media Thursday!


Happy Thanksgiving from The Center!

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