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Newswire – September 1, 2020

September 1, 2020

Educate yourself…The upside of controversy…Take a break in Italy


UNCONVENTIONAL CONVENTIONS. The political conventions are history. Can we get an “amen” and “hallelujah”?! No matter the outcome in November, COVID insured these will be remembered as the strangest conventions ever held. On the issue of education, the Republicans spoke about school choice every night, while the Democrats took to empty classrooms to promote the NEA political agenda. This seems like an opportune time to reprint the open letter from Dr. Howard Fuller to Joe Biden reminding him that the votes of black and brown charter school parents matter. We take no position on political races, but point out that on issues of school choice and innovation, the two parties are polar opposites. Educate yourselves on the positions candidates of both parties take — and not just those running for President. Act like your kids’ future depends on it…because it does.

DIVISIVE IS NOT ALWAYS A DIRTY WORD. In a perfect world the adjective “divisive” would never have to be used. Someone please wake us when that world arrives. In the meantime, “polite” doesn’t always work in the world we have. CER’s Jeanne Allen explains why in the current education battles with folks like teachers unions who would destroy all choice for all kids, it’s sometimes okay to be divisive. Heck, we might even argue that at times it’s mandatory.

KIDS? WHAT KIDS? WE WANT POWER AND MONEY. That sadly seems to be the motto adopted by the unions as they pull every power lever and trick in the book to gain unlimited power and money over education. The very liberal Sacramento Bee newspaper details how over this summer teachers union leaders are hurting kids.

CHARTERS LEAD THE WAY – AGAIN. A new report from Public Impact shows that charter schools appeared to follow a more routine class schedule and stay in closer contact with students and families following shutdowns than district schools. Charters also outdistanced district schools in teachers providing instruction, synchronous education, teachers checking in with students and attendance tracking.

SPREADING THE WORD. Jeanne Allen is making sure our — and your — viewpoints are well represented in the public square. She was recently on Fox News supporting the right of local school districts to make their own decision to open schools — or not — for students, and the Journal Editorial Report exposing the unreasonable — and largely unreachable — demands that the unions insist on before allowing kids to go back to school. She, CER, and — according to Jeanne, the world’s cutest grandchild — were featured in the Italian Sons and Daughters of America newsletter.

TAKE A VIRTUAL VOYAGE TO ITALY. Speaking of things Italian – and we just were – CER is proud to present with Stoa, the most important and historic management school in the South of Italy, the U.S. – Italia Education Innovation Festival, September 21–23, at Stoa, steps from Pompeii and overlooking the Bay of Naples. The Festival will be the first global Ed Tech event in Italy with a concentration on innovations and technologies that amplify, engage and educate the world’s students in the arts and sciences. Registration and virtual attendance is easy. And for the adventurous there is still a limited in-person attendance option available. Viva Italia – and pass the Chianti.

Thinking about the two months between now and the election brings to mind Bette Davis’ famous quote from “All About Eve,” “fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy ride”. Our hope is that it is not too bumpy for all Americans — or at least most Americans — to come together afterwards, no doubt after a time for some wound healing. In that spirit, we offer the wish of the Supremes…turn up the speakers and enjoy exquisite artistry. 

Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education. 
We’re always delighted to hear from our readers…suggestions, questions and even the occasional complaint!

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