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Newswire – September 9, 2020

September 9, 2020


BREAKING: PARENTAL CHOICES EXPAND IN NC. A huge victory for kids was achieved late last week when Governor Roy Cooper signed legislation expanding the state’s scholarship program and ensuring that $1 billion in federal COVID relief money includes direct funding for families, a common sense recommendation CER has long made for all education funds. Jeanne Allen comments in the Wall Street Journal on how all kids benefited: “North Carolina’s actions show what can be done when legislators, even in a state governed by both parties, are willing to put party loyalties aside.”  Who’s next?

HOW ARE THE CHILDREN DOING? That should be our first concern, always, of course. While we’re waiting for other states to figure out how to put kids first, let’s help parents help their own kids through these difficult and tumultuous times.  Join us as we dive into the social and emotional aspects of learning with Erica Komisar, psychoanalyst, parent coach and author, who will address parent questions and suggest strategies on how to create a healthy learning environment for our kids in the time of Covid 19 on the next edition of CER’s Back to School A.C.T.I.O.N. Series. REGISTER NOW

PBS TALKS PARENTS. From the PBS NewsHour comes expert advice and tips from two parents who have homeschooled their kids for many years.  These folks have “been there and done that” — successfully. They’ll tell you how you can too!

#FUNDEVERYKID. Over 60 organizations (and growing!) are pledging to fight to fund families and students over institutions. “At a time when tens of millions of students face nearly 6 months without consistent schooling, priorities should focus on the needs of families over institutions. yes. every kid. organized this collective powerhouse of Advocates. Add your voice and sign the letter to Congress!

UNIONS SUE; KIDS SUFFER. The return of the five day in-person instruction was sabotaged when the union sued Florida, and won an injunction to stop the emergency order to reopen in-person learning.  As reported by ExcelinEd the lawsuit hurts the very students who need in-person instruction the most — the very young, special needs and those with parents working outside the home. Speak up against this outrage by signing this petition.

WISDOM FROM A FRONTLINE WARRIOR. A look at Chicago, unions, kids and the future of schools post Covid comes from a well-known former Superintendent of major city school systems, the wonderfully outspoken Paul Vallas (@Paulvallas). He joins Reality Check to discuss what to do in today’s unprecedented education environment. He doesn’t mince words, so if you like straight-shooters this is not an episode to miss.

With Labor Day past and back-to-school herein whatever form it takesmany challenging days are ahead. But we know you will be victorious. To that end, be encouraged by the Angelic voice of the one and only Luciano Pavarotti, with the inspiring “Vincero”  (”I will be victorious”). from Nessun Dorma. Enjoy this change of pace, hit your high notes and prepare to be victorious!

Founded in 1993, the Center for Education Reform aims to expand educational opportunities that lead to improved economic outcomes for all Americans — particularly our youth — ensuring that conditions are ripe for innovation, freedom and flexibility throughout U.S. education. 
We’re always delighted to hear from our readers…suggestions, questions and even the occasional complaint!

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