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NEWSWIRE: We Want to Hear From YOU!

August 13, 2014

This isn’t your typical Newswire (We warned you we’d be on break, remember?)

This week, we want YOU supplying the latest stories in education reform. From state officials to school leaders to engaged citizens, no story or anecdote is too small in the effort to better student outcomes, and CER wants to know:

How do YOU help #DeliverThePromise of an excellent education for ALL students? 

Together we can show the world how changes to education are making a difference through your tales of inspiration and student achievement.  SHARE YOUR STORY by:

1) Posting to Social Media using the hashtag #DeliverThePromise. Be sure to tag The Center for Education Reform when you post!

Example for Twitter: I’m a teacher choosing to work at a charter school that focuses on dropout recovery #DeliverThePromise @edreform

Example for Facebook: I’m a lawmaker pushing for changes that allow parents learning options outside of their zip code #DeliverThePromise @The Center for Education Reform

Example for either: I’m a concerned citizen that spreads the word about #edreform because ALL students deserve an excellent education! #DeliverThePromise

2) Replying to this email. Yep, it’s as easy as hitting reply and quickly sharing why you’re invested in education reform.

3) Calling 1-800-521-2118. Email not your thing? Pick up the phone and chat with The Center for Education Reform instead!

4) Sharing on our website. Click the link, type your story, hit submit, and you’re done!

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