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Daily Headlines: April 6, 2012

April 6, 2012

Opinion: Charter School Boom States
Wall Street Journal, April 5, 2012

The Center for Education Reform president Jeanne Allen on which states support and hinder the expansion of charter schools.

Obama’s Education Grade Left Behind By Bush’s
Washington Times, DC, April 5, 2012

Just as gross domestic product (GDP) growth is said to be a good measure of a president’s economic management skills, so the nation’s official report card, the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), provides an objective indicator of the success a president has had at strengthening the American school.


House Committee Oks Charter School Measure
Montgomery Advertiser, AL, April 6, 2012

House committee Thursday approved a bill that would bring charter schools to Alabama , a day after lawmakers scaled back the bill.

Montessori Charter School Backers, Santa Cruz City Schools Officials Wisely Find Some Middle Ground
Santa Cruz Sentinel, CA, April 6, 2012

The backers of a proposed Montessori public charter school and officials with Santa Cruz City Schools found some middle ground this week, smartly ending a still-simmering-but-heading-to-a-boil controversy over whether giving parents a choice in how their children are educated denies the rights of other students.

Parents Sue to Open Charter School in Adelanto
Contra Costa Times, CA, April 5, 2012

A group of parents sued the Adelanto Elementary School District on Thursday, saying the district improperly rejected petitions demanding that a failing school be replaced with a charter school.

In D.C. Schools, 59 Percent of Students Get Diploma on Time
Washington Post, DC, April 5, 2012

Less than 60 percent of D.C. high school students graduated on time in 2011, according to a new and more rigorous calculation of completion rates announced Thursday.

Life Force Teachers, Principal Struggle To Figure Out Charter School’s Finances
Tampa Bay Tribune, FL, April 6, 2012

After the Life Force Arts and Technology Academy’s embattled director of operations said she was leaving for a new job, principal Lenor Johnson discovered a problem: Passwords to the charter school’s bank accounts had been changed and she couldn’t access them.

District Looks To Run Its Own Alternative School
Ocala Star Banner, FL, April 5, 2012

The Marion County School District may open its own K-12 alternative school, which would end contracted services with Kingsbury Academy and Silver River Mentoring and Instruction in 2013, a move that would save $1 million annually.

Group Formed To Push Fla. Religion Amendment
Miami Herald, FL, April 6, 2012

A ballot proposal that would repeal Florida’s ban on public funding of churches and other religious organizations is getting organized support.

Ultralong School Day For All — It Doesn’t Fit
Chicago Tribune, IL, April 6, 2012

Chicago Public Schools officials insist that their ambitious — some might even say audacious — plan to lengthen the classroom day systemwide next year is not a “one-size-fits-all” mandate.

Merit Pay
Chicago Tribune, IL, April 5, 2012

I strongly feel that not only will merit pay for teachers fail to improve the schools, it will actually make the situation worse.

Legislature Gives Final Approval to Package of Bills to Remake Education in Louisiana
Times Picayune, LA, April 5, 2012

Lawmakers gave final approval Thursday to a landmark overhaul of public school structure, personnel rules and financing, a major victory for Gov. Bobby Jindal and a boost for his national profile.

Education Changes to Come Quickly
The Daily Advertise, LA, April 6, 2012

With the approval of House and Senate on Thursday of two parts of his education package, Gov. Bobby Jindal says he’s looking for more and urging quick implementation of changes.

A ‘Momentous Day’ for Louisiana — and a Challenge to Parents
Alexandria Town Talk, LA, April 6, 2012

With his signature expected within days, Gov. Bobby Jindal is poised to establish one of the nation’s largest school voucher programs in Louisiana.

House Bill Increases Age To Leave Maryland Schools
Washington Times, DC, April 5, 2012

The House passed a bill Thursday that would raise the mandatory school attendance age, a proposal that could benefit at-risk teens but also could increase costs for the state.

Roy Roberts Has Detroit Public Schools Moving in Right Direction
Detroit Free Press, MI, April 6, 2012

Detroit Public Schools chief Roy Roberts appears very much on the right track with his gradual but systematic plan to improve the system under his purview, even as he must continue to close buildings.

Keep Teacher Seniority
Minneapolis Star Tribune, MN, April 5, 2012

When a controversy consumes a community, teachers feel the heat. Just ask any of the 2,700 educators in the Anoka-Hennepin School District.

Dayton Shouldn’t Veto Teacher Tenure Bill
Minneapolis Star Tribune, MN, April 5, 2012

Gov. Mark Dayton said last week that he plans to veto a GOP-sponsored proposal that would replace the state’s seniority-only layoff system for teachers. The governor should reconsider. Making tenure one of several criteria — but not the only one — in determining layoffs would better serve the interests of students, families and effective teachers.

Charters Can Work in Miss.
‎Memphis Commercial Appeal, TN, April 6, 2012

The state House of Representatives’ Education Committee this week turned back an effort to liberalize the state’s charter school provisions.

Charter School Plan Blasted
Times Herald Record, NY, April 6, 2012

Community members, parents, school board members and Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther blasted a proposed charter school in Middletown Wednesday night.

Parents Need To Understand Their Rights Under Law
Buffalo News, NY, April 6, 2012

The recent extension given by the State Education Department to the Buffalo Public Schools for submission of an acceptable teacher evaluation plan has left many in the community wondering whether an agreement will ever be reached.

Private Schools Save Taxpayers Money
The Journal News, NY, April 5, 2012

Re “Private-school busing faces fork in road,” March 28 article: For private schools, meaning Catholic schools, changes in this policy by mileage would be wrong for everyone. Mostly to the students, who might have to change schools, all because school districts can’t control expenses.

Report Cards Reflect Cuts In Schoolteachers
The Journal News, NY, April 6, 2012

The state Education Department issued annual school report cards for the 2010-11 school year Thursday, which showed that the ranks of teachers dropped 2.3 percent from the previous year and the number of paraprofessionals fell 17.5 percent.

Panel Considers Ways To Gauge Effects of Charters Schools
News & Observer, NC, April 6, 2012

A committee looking into the effects of charter schools on traditional schools may ask for more information from both groups in the future.

Cleveland Teachers Union And Mayor Frank Jackson To Continue Negotiations Next Week Over Schools Plan
Cleveland Plain Dealer, OH, April 5, 2012

They’ll be back at it again next week. Mayor Frank Jackson and the Cleveland Teachers Union concluded more than six hours of negotiations Wednesday night over the disputed parts of Jackson ‘s school plan without reaching a final agreement, deciding to take a break from the talks over Easter weekend.

The Overlooked Side of Education Spending
The Tribune-Democrat, PA, April 6, 2012

This misinformation campaign builds on the faulty premises that education spending in Pennsylvania has been cut to the bone and more money will improve student learning.

Teacher Scores Likely to Remain Private in Tennessee
Commercial Appeal, TN, April 6, 2012

The Tennessee House voted overwhelmingly Thursday to keep teacher evaluation scores out of the public eye, sending the bill to Gov. Bill Haslam to sign barely four weeks after the effort began.


Final Frontier? Charter School Stiffs Employees, Kids
Philadelphia Daily News, PA, April 6, 2012

The school, which opened in the fall, sounded like a dream on paper. It promised to offer students a world-class education, including art, music, foreign languages and career skills.

Virtual Charter Schools Need To Be Scrutinized Before Opening, N.C. Commission Says
Progressive Pulse, April 5, 2012

A state advisory committee wants to see more information on the virtual charter school industry before the state starts funding any of the online schools.

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