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Daily Headlines: December 30, 2011

December 30, 2011

What Americans Keep Ignoring About Finland’s School Success
The Atlantic, December 29, 2011

The Scandinavian country is an education superpower because it values equality more than excellence.

In Education, It’s All About Dollars and Cents
Chicago Sun Times, IL, December 29, 2011

As 2011 draws to a close, we can confidently declare that one of the biggest debates over education is — mercifully — resolved. We haven’t addressed all the huge challenges facing our schools, but we finally have empirical data ruling out apocryphal theories and exposing the fundamental problems.

Former D.C. Schools Chief Busy Lobbying, Helping Politicians
USA Today, December 30, 2011

More than a year after she resigned as chancellor of Washington, D.C., Public Schools — and nine months after her successor asked D.C.’s inspector general to investigate high erasure rates on standardized tests during her tenure —Michelle Rhee remains as high-profile as ever.


Charters Get ‘Slice’ of School Lawsuit
Arkansas Democrat Gazette, AR, December 30, 2011

Charter schools in Pulaski County received permission Thursday to intervene in the long-running school desegregation lawsuit to fight Little Rock School District efforts to put limits on them.

STATE: Charter Strife
Press Enterprise , CA, December 29, 2011

Charter schools’ freedom to try different teaching approaches should not exclude responsibility for results. A charter group’s call to close some poorly performing California charter schools sets the right tone: The public should not pour money into charter schools that fail to meet basic standards.

Chino Valley Unified Board Approves Charter School’s Renewal Petition
Contra Costa Times, CA, December 29, 2011

The Chino Valley Unified Board of Trustees unanimously approved Oxford Preparatory Academy’s petition Thursday to extend its charter for five years

Connecticut Graduation Rate Edges Upward
Wall Street Journal, December 30, 2011

Connecticut Gov. Dan Malloy’s administration on Thursday came out with a mixed bag of news about the graduation rates of the state’s public-school students: More are graduating on time, but the demographic gaps are as wide as ever.

Panel Recommends Special Grand Jury Investigation Into Dekalb Schools
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, GA, December 29, 2011

After their November-December presentments, the DeKalb County Superior Court grand jury has recommended a special grand jury look into the county school board, because, “It is clear that the school system remains top-heavy and suffers from a perception of conflicts of interest and waste.”

Xavier Charter School Takes a Step in the Right Direction
Magic Valley Times News, ID, December 30, 2011

We’ve been critical of the leadership of Xavier Charter School for many of their actions — and inactions — over the past year. Principal roulette and curious decisions by Xavier’s school board have caused us to question their financial sense and business acuity.

Voucher Program Topped Education Stories In 2011
Evansville Courier & Press, IN, December 29, 2011

The passage of historic and controversial reforms made 2011 a landmark year for education in Indiana.

Louisiana Sets Strategies for Use of Race Funds
Shreveport Times, LA, December 29, 2011

Last week Louisiana learned it has been awarded approximately $17.4 million in the third round of the federal Race to the Top grant program.

Jefferson Parish Schools Superintendent Demands More Data From Charter School
The Times-Picayune, LA, December 29, 2011

Until Jefferson Community School submits a comprehensive plan to expand enrollment, Jefferson Parish public schools Superintendent James Meza said he will advise principals not to refer any pupils to the charter middle school for expelled students.

Cape Schools Improved By School Competition
Cape Cod Times, MA, December 30, 2011

Speaking with parents who have had less positive experiences, and having experienced it, I would disagree with her opinion that everyone loses by having school choice available. To the contrary, the entire Cape Cod community benefits by it, and it should remain — or possibly be expanded upon via vouchers.

Charter School Advocates Look To Change Mississippi Law
Times Picayune, LA, December 29, 2011

Republican control of Mississippi government could bring a new charter school law, and supporters are working on proposals. Schools that are chartered get more operational freedom in exchange for agreeing to meet certain goals. Under current Mississippi law, only schools with subpar ratings for three consecutive years can be chartered, and only at parents’ request. No school in the state has been chartered under those rules.

Get ‘Real’ About the Amount of Money Going To Charter
Voorhees Sun, NJ, December 29, 2011

I have been following, with interest, the dire predictions of some in our community due to the arrival of Regis Charter School. According to one charter school opponent, our existing public schools would be “dismantled,” our taxes would go up, no sports, no art, no music, no recess. That’s right, no recess.

School Accord Reached on Evaluation Process
Buffalo News, NY, December 29, 2011

The district and two of its main collective-bargaining units have reached an agreement on a process for evaluating teachers and principals at persistently low-achieving schools in the district, interim School Superintendent Amber Dixon announced during Wednesday’s Board of Education meeting.

Mayor Richards Isn’t Supporting Mayoral Control This Time Around
Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, NY, December 30, 2011

I share Assemblyman David Gantt’s disappointment with the performance of the City School District in educating our children, as does almost everyone on both sides of the debate about mayoral control.

Chester Community Charter Sues CUSD for $3.8 Million
Delaware County Times, PA, December 29, 2011

Chester Upland School District and the district’s school board are among the defendants being sued by Chester Community Charter School for more than $3.8 million in delinquent funding.

New Laws And New Hamilton County Schools Chief Mark Year In Education
Times Free Press, TN, December 30, 2011

Some of public education’s most sacred cows vanished this year as the Tennessee General Assembly took on one of its most aggressive education reform sessions ever.

Joe Nathan: Charter Public Schools Started in Winona
Winona Daily News, WI, December 30, 2011

As we move toward 2012, it’s worth recalling that a national education innovation now involving more than 2 million students started 20 years ago in Winona. Bluffview Montessori was the first school in the country receiving approval to operate as a charter public school.


Students Get Another Good Alternative
Coos Bay World, OR, December 29, 2011

Online education has benefited many rural families. Students with the discipline to study on their own can enroll in an online school, such as Oregon Virtual Academy, to access diverse online classes that small hometown schools can’t offer.


** The next edition of Daily Headlines will be on Tuesday, January 3, 2012. Happy New Year!

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